Who is Saurabh Thakur?
Saurabh Thakur – Founder and CEO at examsol.in
Saurabh Thakur – Founder and CEO at examsol.in
IELTS Exam Preparation: It is Easy to Clear If You’re on Right Track We know how difficult it can be to prepare for and start a competitive exam, so we’ve put together some helpful steps to get you started for the IELTS exam preparation. 1.Understand The Pattern for IELTS exam preparation The IELTS test comes …
INTRODUCTION TO NIOS BOARD Hello every one as we all are aware of CBSE , State board .etc board but have you ever heard of NIOS open board Are you excited to know about this so today here I am back with one of the interesting topic Today I would like to discuss about …
Being a topper in each and every classes i know the tricks (experimented by me and told by many paper checkers and teachers) that how you can top or score more than 90% in your boards examination. ATTRACTIVE WRITING – AS PAPER CHECKER DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT WAS YOUR PAST BACKGROUND IN …