JEE exam Complete information

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 How to prepare for JEE exam

As we all know that the current situation of pandemic of  corona had disturb the human life and mostly every field is facing problem due to that but the most adverse have been found in field of education it become very difficult for the aspirant to study due to lack of guidance from the coaching centers . So here I would  like to share all the information about exam date , preparations , online exam form submission and every details about JEE exams . so stay tuned in the article to get all information . So now first let us understand few terms

What is JEE ?

JEE is a Joint Entrance Examination conducted for the entrance for top engineering college all over India . It consist of two different examination JEE mains and JEE advance Now let us understand what is JEE mains and JEE advance.

JEE mains :It consist of two papers paper 1 is for BE/Btech course and paper 2 consist for admission in architecture and planning course . Aspirant can obtain for any of the exam as per their choice of field which further they want to do . Both the paper consist of objective based question .This exam question are of negative marking too that means every wrong answer give you negative marking and your marks get deducted from the score you have obtained so be caution and accurate while answering the questions .

But for paper 2 of JEE mains exam consist of drawing exam which shall be conducted in offline mode . from the new rules for the January 2020 Paper 3 is introduced for b planning course separately .

JEE advanced :JEE advance is a second phase of exam . the aspirant who clear the JEE Exam (mains) are eligible to appear in JEE advance exam and after clearing the JEE advance exam the door for the institute like IIT , NIT get opens for them .

jee exam
JEE Exam


Why it is important to appear in JEE exam

Year No. of Students
2020 (April) Postponed(COVID-19 pandemic)
2020(January)    921,261
2019    929,198
2018 1,043,739
2017 1,186,454
2016 1,194,938
2015 1,304,495
2014 1,356,80
2013 1,282,000
2012    479,651

It is very important for the aspirant who have dream to take admission in the institute like IIT , IISER so for them it become very necessary for the aspirant to clear both JEE mains and advance to make their dream come true in getting admission in this reputed colleges . as we all know that the aspirant who are preparing for this type of examination are very curious about the data and information that how many student get enrolled in the one of the tough exam for getting admission in IIT etc So now let us discuss about the stastically data of aspirant who get enrolled in examination .


The number of applicants taking the JEE Exam (Main) has varied over the years. In 2016, fewer aspirants registered as compared to the previous three years as shown in the table below.1.3 million candidates appeared for JEE Main in 2014.

For motivation purpose , also read Which are best IITs in which you will be going after cracking this exam . Click below to read 

Top IITs in india


As we have discuss in detail about the basic terms now I think all the JEE aspirant are very curious to know about the exam schedule and detail about them so now let us discuss in detail and guide in best way as possible .

According to the last information it is said that JEE conduct the exam twice a year in two parts

JEE mains : this exam is conducted in month of January and April

JEE advance: this exam is conducted in month of May it is said that the aspirant who get clear mains exam need to appear in advance and this exam is quite tough compare to JEE mains . But it is said that without hard work there is no success in life .

Note : The exam pattern might get differ due to the current situation of pandemic of corona . New date of Exam you can get from the official site of JEE .

A candidate can appear in the JEE Exam ( mains) exam twice a year and take mostly 3 attempt for each .so as per new rules after 2019 you can give total 6 attempts.

After knowing the exam pattern it is very important for every aspirant is firstly to get enrolled yourself for the examination So you should get enrolled yourself in the official site of JEE


Instruction for filling online JEE mains form

  1. Good internet connectivity
  2. All the required details
  3. Scanned photograph in JPEG /JPE format
  4. Scanned signature in JEPG /JPE format
  5. Valid email id and mobile no
  6. Valid debit / credit card or net banking account for online payment

after getting enrolled yourself for exams it is your duty to download admit card before appearing in the exams so now I am going to share steps regarding how to download admit card so let us discuss following steps in detail

Steps to download JEE Exam (Main) 2020 Admit Card

You can download the admit card through online and offline mode



After getting downloaded admit card it become very crucial and important for the aspirant to get the crystal clear idea about syllabus so that it become easy to score good marks in examination as we all know that due to pandemic of corona coaching centres are closed and due to that student are phasing a lot of problem so here I would discuss in depth about the syllabus so it might help aspirants in there exam

Maths syllabus for jee exam 

Unit 1: Sets, relations, and functions

Unit 2: Complex numbers and quadratic equations

Unit 3: Matrices and determinants

Unit 4: Permutations and combinations

Unit 5: Mathematical induction

Unit 6: Binomial theorem and its simple applications

Unit 7: Sequences and series

Unit 8: Limit, continuity, and differentiability

Unit 9: Integral calculus

Unit 10: Differential equations

Unit 11: Co-ordinate geometry

Unit 12: Three-dimensional geometry

Unit 13: Vector algebra

Unit 14: Statistics and probability

Unit 15: Trigonometry

Unit 16: Mathematical reasoning

Physics syllabus for jee exam 

Unit 1: Physics And Measurement

Unit 2: Kinematics

Unit 3: Laws Of Motion

Unit 4: Work, Energy, and Power

Unit 5: Rotational Motion

Unit 6: Gravitation

Unit 7: Properties Of Solids And Liquids

Unit 8: Thermodynamics

Unit 9: Kinetic Theory Of Gases

Unit 10: Oscillations And Waves

Unit 11: Electrostatics

Unit 12: Current Electricity

Unit 13: Magnetic Effects Of Current And Magnetism

Unit 14: Electromagnetic Induction And Alternating Currents

Unit 15: Electromagnetic Waves

Unit 16: Optics

Unit 17: Dual Nature Of Matter And radiation

Unit 18: Atoms And Nuclei

Unit 19: Electronic Devices

Unit 20: Communication Systems


Unit 1: Some Basic Concepts In Chemistry

Unit 2: States Of Matter

Unit 3: Atomic Structure

Unit 4: Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure

Unit 5: Chemical Thermodynamics

Unit 6: Solutions

Unit 7: Equilibrium

Unit 8: Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry

Unit 9: Chemical Kinetics

Unit10: Surface Chemistry

Section B: Inorganic Chemistry

Unit 11: Classification Of Elements And Periodicity In Properties

Unit 12: General Principles And Processes Of Isolation Of Metals

Unit 13: Hydrogen

Unit 14: S – Block Elements (Alkali And Alkaline Earth Metals)

Unit 15: P – Block Elements

Unit 16: D – And F – Block Elements

Unit 17: Co-Ordination Compounds

Unit 18: Environmental Chemistry

Section C: Organic Chemistry for jee exam 

Unit 19: Purification And Characterization Of Organic Compounds

Unit 20: Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry

Unit 21: Hydrocarbons

Unit 22: Organic Compounds Containing Halogens

Unit 23: Organic Compound, Containing Oxygen Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers, Carboxylic Acids

Unit 24: Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen

Unit 25: Polymers

Unit 26: Biomolecules

Unit 27: Chemistry In Everyday Life

Unit 28: Principles Related To Practical Chemistry

After knowing the syllabus aspirant is getting more confuse about what to study and how to study from which book we need to study so here I would like to guide you about best reference books which might help you to get good marks and get success with flying colors and your dream can come true .

Reference books for jee exam preparation

So here I would to mention the name of the best reference books in detail so this will help to study in better way and open your door of success in examination .

For physics

  1. NCERT textbook for physics – written by NCERT
  2. Concept of physics volume 1 and volume 2 – written by HC verma
  3. Fundamentals of Physics – written by Halliday and Resnick
  4. Understanding physics books of 5 set – written by DC pandey

For chemistry

  1. NCERT textbook for chemistry – written by NCERT
  2. Concept of physical chemistry – Dr RK gupta
  3. Concept of organic chemistry – Dr OP tandon
  4. Concept of inorganic chemistry – Dr OP tandon

For maths

  1. NCERT textbook for maths – written by NCERT
  2. Objective Mathematics vol 1 and vol 2 – written by RD sharma
  3. Complete mathematics – written by Ravi Prakash , Ajay kumar , usha gupta
  4. Arihant skills in mathematics [ set of 7 books ] – written by DR SK goyal and Amit m Agarwal



After getting knowledge of which books are appropriate for studies it become important make a time table and make balance of studies and give equal time for all the subjects so now let us  discuss about preparation strategy in detail

Tips for jee exam preparation

1 read and revise

It become very important for every aspirant to complete their syllabus and revise then again and again to score better marks and should revise the whole syllabus twice minimum before appearing to exam.

Do smart work don’t do hard work and get panic while studying

2 Solving  mock test papers is most important task for JEE Exam 

Benefits of solving mock test paper are you will have a practice of completing paper in given time limit .

It will also boost up your confidence level

For the maths I would like to suggest practice more and do in short method of solving problems so it will save your time during exams .


Once you build up your confidence  and once get clear the JEE mains exam it will be easy for you to clear your JEE advance .

3 . you should not get panic while answering the question in your Jee exam so for that firstly you should answer the question which you are 100% sure that your answer is correct so this trick will help you to build your confidence while attempting questions .


Note : it is very important for every aspirant to leave the question for which you are not sure about answer as you all know that every wrong answer consist of negative marking and it will deduct your marks from the mars you have scored.

So here now I would like to share about the link of mock test question paper series so by solving the mock test you will build up confidence because as mock test question are the replica of the original question paper for which your are appearing in the exam



So here now  I would like give answer of frequently asked question so now let us discuss them in detail

Q1. What is the difference  between JEE mains and JEE advance ?

JEE mains exam are conducted for Btech aspirants and course offered are NIT , IIT and CFT

JEE advance eventually leads in the admission of IIT

Q2. What is the eligibility criteria to get enroll in IIT , NIT etc ?

It is important to clear JEE mains with 75% marks of 12 boards exams along with the cut off marks of JEE mains exams .

Q3. How many students are going to appear in JEE  Exam (mains) 2020 ?

According to data the aspirant how have registered for the JEE mains exams for January 2020 exam are 9,31,168

And the aspirant who have registered for the JEE mains exams for April 2020 exam are 9,50,100 to 9,60,500




I hope I have clear all your doubt regarding how to prepare for JEE exam and I have tried to cover all the necessary aspect regarding the topic .

I hope my tips for exam might help you to excel in your exam and make your dream come  true . Stay safe Stay healthy and give your best in examination .

Best of luck for your JEE exam




Author: Saurabh Thakur

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